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About me

Hello, my name is Victoria! I am a Junior at Leonardo DaVinci High School. My biggest inspiration for my poetry and artwork is a natural beauty! My work symbolizes my love for living creatures and natural beauty. The joys of artworks I do are painting, drawing, water coloring, and photographs taking. The passion I am working on is learning Japanese so ill be able to go to the Tokyo University of the Arts. The meaning of poetry to me is the way that poetry can make somebody feel or remember something when reading. Poetry can change just like water can, water never stays in one place and never goes back. That is kind of like poetry cause when somebody is reading the poetry they can depict as they see. This can change when depending on who is reading the poetry, it might not be the same as to somebody else. That’s what I want my poetry to do is to make you remember or feel what you once had. While its good or bad. 

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